
Joined EI in 2021

Ruse invites you to step into a world of possibilities, imagining reality as it could be, in spite of how it is. Their range of work includes live immersive theater, dining experiences, social media theater, XR, and even opera! No matter the medium, Ruse's work focuses on pushing the boundaries of audience agency, inviting you to play an active role in your experience. Don’t just see the story… LIVE it!

Events by Ruse

Second Star - ACLU Benefit Performance Immersive Event

Second Star - ACLU Benefit Performance

Set sail to Neverland for grown-up entertainment to spark childlike wonder!

PWYC - $60.00

Vexations in time Immersive Event

Vexations in time

This dada-inspired 14+ hour overnight immersive experience offers creative catharsis.

Free - $34.00 (Event passed)

Eulogy: In loving memory of all that never was Immersive Event

Eulogy: In loving memory of all that never was

A cathartic experience taking you on a journey through the 5 stages of grief.

PWYC (Event passed)