LIFE LINE Immersive Event


An immersive drama about what it means to be alive

Burbank ,   California

Experience hosted by Codex Arcanum

Logo of Codex Arcanum

What does it mean to be alive? That question is at the heart of LIFE LINE, a new immersive drama created by Matt Harry (SOMEBODY TO LOVE). The world is filled with so much stress and anxiety right now. Wars, pandemics, political upheaval — LIFE LINE seeks to combat all of that. This interactive experience will highlight the joys of living and remind us that, despite our many ups and downs, we are all connected. Audience members will attend a support group meeting at a local church in Burbank, CA. There will be beverages from local coffee shops, pastries from Porto’s, and

Audience Role

As part of the support group, you can participate as much or as little as you like. You may be asked to think about difficult philosophical topics and consider your

Content Advisories

  • Death of a friend/family member

  • Moments of darkness

  • Strong language

  • Suicide

  • Themes around mental health

  • 16 +

Interaction Advisories

  • Light (business/acquaintance) contact

Mobility Advisories

  • No mobility advisories

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.

Codex Arcanum

Hosting immersive events on EI since August, 2024

Codex Arcanum specializes in creating immersive experiences for film, theatre, and publishing. We have published four novels with interactive elements as well as two immersive plays. Become Immersed called our production Somebody to Love a "delightful romp" while No Proscenium agreed it was a "bold new take on a genre."