VISITORS (London - Shoreditch Town Hall) Immersive Event

VISITORS (London - Shoreditch Town Hall)

Thank you for inviting us into your home. We didn't know where else to go…

London ,   England

Experience hosted by DARKFIELD


“Death is no more than passing from one room into another.” — Helen Keller Thank you for inviting us into your home. We didn't know where else to go… A dead couple look for a temporary solution to their permanent condition. VISITORS is an experience for only two people at a time, sitting opposite one another, and is a reflection on our irrepressible desire to touch and asks why the dead find so little comfort in the world of the living. We require you to remain 3 metres apart, and while you may yearn to reach across the chasm that separates you, we ask you to be careful who else you invite in… VISITORS doesn’t work for an individual, so we ask for people to book in as a pair to ensure you have a partner. Each ticket allows entry for 2 people. VISITORS was part of Season One of the DARKFIELD RADIO digital project and for the first time is being presented as a physical installation.... Show More

Audience Role

You receive some instructions whilst listening. You receive some instructions whilst listening.

Content Advisories

  • Complete darkness

  • Themes around death

  • 16 +

Interaction Advisories

  • No physical contact with performers

Mobility Advisories

  • No mobility advisories

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.



£12.00 - £16.00

Show ticket details



Hosting immersive events on EI since July, 2020

DARKFIELD is a multi-sensory sonic theme park. Behind the doors of each shipping container a strange world unfolds… Now introducing DARKFIELD RADIO: Immersive Audio experiences at home. DARKFIELD is a multi-sensory sonic theme park. Behind the doors of each shipping container a strange world unfolds… Now introducing DARKFIELD RADIO: Immersive Audio experiences at home.