志賀の大仏 -Stone Statue 「Seated Amitabha」
Photogrammetry of a statue in Japan
Available anywhere
Experience hosted by Fionna

by Tokoyoshi Capacity 32 (Can hold up to 64 players) Captured from life in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture and recreated using photogrammetry in VR. A seated statue of Amida Nyorai with a height of 3․5m carved in the Kamakura period to pray for safety when crossing mountains.
Audience Role
Social VR
Content Advisories
No content advisories
13 +
Interaction Advisories
No physical contact with performers
Mobility Advisories
No mobility advisories
Event is wheelchair accessible.
What you will need
VR Chat (PC Only)
Social VR app primarily consisting of user generated worlds. Requires PC tethered VR headset. Performance may vary. (Not Quest compatible.)
Hosting immersive events on EI since February, 2021
Creator of VRChat worlds