Prison Escape! Immersive Event

Prison Escape!

Plot your escape with friends or keep the prisoners in lineǃ

Available anywhere

Experience hosted by Fionna

Logo of Fionna

by Ostinyo You are assigned to be a guard or a prisoner in this large, detailed prison environment. Fulfill your goal in the time allotted to win for your side! A great strategy, roleplaying, and overall fun game to play with a group of friends. by Ostinyo You are assigned to be a guard or a prisoner in this large, detailed prison environment. Fulfill your goal in the time allotted to win for your side! A great strategy, roleplaying, and overall fun game to play with a group of friends.

Audience Role

Social VR Social VR

Content Advisories

  • Simulated murder/homicide

  • 13 +

Interaction Advisories

  • No physical contact with performers

Mobility Advisories

  • No mobility advisories

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.


Show ticket details

Available Anytime

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What you will need

VR Chat (PC & Quest)

Social VR app primarily consisting of user generated worlds. Requires virtual reality headset: PC & Quest compatible. (World compatibility may vary.)


Hosting immersive events on EI since February, 2021

Creator of VRChat worlds Creator of VRChat worlds