Prison Escape!
Plot your escape with friends or keep the prisoners in lineǃ
Available anywhere
Experience hosted by Fionna

by Ostinyo You are assigned to be a guard or a prisoner in this large, detailed prison environment. Fulfill your goal in the time allotted to win for your side! A great strategy, roleplaying, and overall fun game to play with a group of friends.
Audience Role
Social VR
Content Advisories
Simulated murder/homicide
13 +
Interaction Advisories
No physical contact with performers
Mobility Advisories
No mobility advisories
Event is wheelchair accessible.
What you will need
VR Chat (PC & Quest)
Social VR app primarily consisting of user generated worlds. Requires virtual reality headset: PC & Quest compatible. (World compatibility may vary.)
Hosting immersive events on EI since February, 2021
Creator of VRChat worlds