Lonely Hearts: The Big Dance
Chicago’s longest-running Immersive story, Lonely Hearts, returns for its 8th year
Chicago , IllinoisExperience hosted by Birch House Immersive

Lonely Hearts: The Big Dance Chicago’s longest-running Immersive story, Lonely Hearts, returns for its 8th year of bringing friends and strangers together for intimate explorations of love and relationships. After another failed attempt to find a new home for his bar, Tavern Keeper Mackenzie Rigby finds himself working the concession stand on the basketball court of his local gentlemen's sports club. Now that their home team has been eliminated and the season is coming to an end, Mr. Rigby, along with your favorite hosts- the Gin Savant Beatrix Von Hopper and the Gentlewoman Giles Henry- are excited to finally welcome you ... Show More
Audience Role
Attendee of a school dance.
Content Advisories
Themes around relationships
18 +
Interaction Advisories
No physical contact with performers
Mobility Advisories
No mobility advisories
Event is wheelchair accessible.
Birch House Immersive
Hosting immersive events on EI since June, 2020
We seek to accomplish one thing: remove the barriers that typically exist between performers and audience. We extend a hand across the proscenium, inviting you, the audience, to join us on equal footing in exploring (and sometimes creating) the story. We invite you to engage with the world of the play in tangible ways- exploring the space, interacting with characters (in groups and one-on-one), and completing tasks that drive the story forward and put you at the center of the experience.