IT'S ALIVE! | Intimate Immersive Frankenstein Experience Immersive Event

IT'S ALIVE! | Intimate Immersive Frankenstein Experience

You may be asked to dig up a grave. Or hold a severed tongue. You'll want to dress accordingly.

Altadena ,   California

"IT'S ALIVE!" is an original immersive experience, set in Mary Shelley's grief-stricken and guilt-ridden mind. Prepare to be separated from the people you came with and have a unique experience as you meet the poets and radicals of Mary's inner circle. Help to create Frankenstein's monster; encounter performers one-on-one; traverse the world of historic mansions and an abandoned church. Get a jump on Halloween! Following a sold-out run at Heritage Square, ”It’s Alive: An Immersive Frankenstein Experience” is moving to the spectacular Mountain View Mausoleum in Altadena for the month of October. Get your tickets early for an unforgettable Halloween experience! ***Please note, there are different performance times each night: Fridays: 8pm Saturdays: 6:45pm and 9pm Sundays: 8pm Limited to thirty audience members per show. Reserve early. Warnings: The central theme of the play deals in grief, loss, life and death, and features scenes of death, suicide, and self-dismemberment. *PROOF OF FULL VACCINATION IS REQUIRED UPON ENTRY. NAME ON VACCINATION CARD MUST MATCH YOUR ID. Masks are required during all indoor scenes, as we follow the guidelines of the LA County mask mandate. All performers wear transparent Xula masks with UNE0065/2020 certification with antiviral and anti bacterial properties. Walking shoes and comfortable clothing are highly recommended. Free parking is available on-site. Tickets are non-refundable.... Show More

Audience Role

Audience members may be asked questions, participate in simulated surgery, asked to mix elixers or handle fake body parts. There is minimal physical contact. There is a scene in which audience members will be given blindfolds and disposable gloves in which an actor will handle their hands (when the gloves are on).... Show More

Content Advisories

  • Moments of darkness

  • Blood/gore

  • Suicide

  • Death of a friend/family member

  • 13 +

Interaction Advisories

  • Light (business/acquaintance) contact

  • Moderate (familial) contact

Mobility Advisories

  • Extended standing

  • Walking

  • Stairs

  • Wear comfortable clothes

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.


Show ticket details



Downtown Repertory Theater Company

Hosting immersive events on EI since November, 2020

Site Specific and Immersive theater troupe out of Los Angeles, CA. Site Specific and Immersive theater troupe out of Los Angeles, CA.