The kooky concepts game for creative types. LA's longest-running immersive makers monthly meetup.
Los Angeles , CaliforniaExperience hosted by Live Action Attractions

Immersive makers monthly meetup. We invent new experiences that solve bizarre challenges and laugh with other creators as they attempt to do the same. Each month features a surprise creative prompt, a venerable celebrity judge and fabulous prizes for the ten top concepts. Sharpies provided. Cocktails encouraged. http://www.imagineerdowells.com $10 - grants you admission to the otherworldly members-only club THE OBSCURE, one ticket to play our award-winning creativity game & entrance to IMAGI-NE’ER-DO-WELLS’ trademark un-professional networking with LA’s brightest and funnest immersive creators. | | | | | ▼ #imagiNeerDoWells | #creative | #networking | #experience | #showthread #immersive | ... Show More

Audience Role
This is a radically inclusive safe-zone for creative play... 1. ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE VOLUNTARY Only share if you feel like it. 2. ALL SUBMISSIONS START ANONYMOUS If you do not wish to ... Show More
Content Advisories
No content advisories
All ages
Interaction Advisories
Light (business/acquaintance) contact
Mobility Advisories
No mobility advisories
Event is wheelchair accessible.
Live Action Attractions
Hosting immersive events on EI since July, 2020
The creative agency for creative agency. Playable shows and watchable games for immersive and themed entertainment. Specializing in funny, delicious and/or illuminating.