COMA (Dallas) Immersive Event

COMA (Dallas)

Imagine the moment of waking up is actually the moment when your dream begins.

Dallas ,   Texas

Experience hosted by DARKFIELD


Imagine the moment of waking up is actually the moment when your dream begins. In light of this new and strange reality, how can we save you from the unspeakable horrors which lurk in the dark recesses of your mind? The only cure we offer is a placebo and a promise. Please remember when you leave to take your body with you Imagine the moment of waking up is actually the moment when your dream begins. In light of this new and strange reality, how can we save you from the unspeakable horrors which lurk in the dark recesses of your mind? The only cure we offer is a placebo and a promise. Please remember when you leave to take your body with you

Audience Role

You will receive instructions while listening. You will receive instructions while listening.

Content Advisories

  • Complete darkness

  • Sudden loud noises

  • Themes around medicine

  • Use of headphones

  • 13 +

Interaction Advisories

  • No physical contact with performers

Mobility Advisories

  • Participant will be lying down in bed

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.



$25.00 - $60.00

Show ticket details



Hosting immersive events on EI since July, 2020

DARKFIELD is a multi-sensory sonic theme park. Behind the doors of each shipping container a strange world unfolds… Now introducing DARKFIELD RADIO: Immersive Audio experiences at home. DARKFIELD is a multi-sensory sonic theme park. Behind the doors of each shipping container a strange world unfolds… Now introducing DARKFIELD RADIO: Immersive Audio experiences at home.