asses.masses (Portland, OR) Immersive Event

asses.masses (Portland, OR)

A 7+ hour video game about unemployed donkeys designed to be played by a live audience in a theatre.

Portland ,   Oregon

Experience hosted by asses.masses

Logo of asses.masses

The unemployed donkeys have one demand: the humans must surrender their machines and give all donkeys their jobs back. But revolution is never easy! asses.masses is a custom video game designed to be played from beginning to end by a live audience. This is gaming as theater: an immersive, cheeky, and highly original work about labor, technophobia, and sharing the load of revolution. Audience members cheer on and coach brave spectators who choose to take turns at the controller to lead the herd through a post-Industrial society, where asses are valued more for their hides than their potential. asses.masses is Animal Farm meets Pokémon meets Final Fantasy: as exciting in form as it is in content. Confronting automation driven job loss, nostalgia as a barrier to progress, and the role of technology in adaptation, we are encouraged to find space between the work that defines us and the play that frees us.... Show More

Audience Role

Audiences take turns as players using the controller, as spectators help make decisions, offer suggestions, and cheer them on as the story unfolds! You do not need to be good at or have even played video games before in order to participate.... Show More

Content Advisories

  • Flashing lights

  • Graphic violence

  • References to drug use

  • References to police brutality

  • References to suicide

  • Strong language

  • 13 +

Interaction Advisories

  • No physical contact with performers

Mobility Advisories

  • No mobility advisories

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.

Sexual Advisories

  • Simulated sex with donkeys. Simulated sex with humans.


Video Game


Show ticket details



Hosting immersive events on EI since August, 2023

asses.masses is a video game designed by place from beginning to end by a live audience. Created by Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim, it's a 7+ experience following a herd of unemployed donkeys determined to get their jobs back in a world set on leaving them behind. For more information about the artists, visit: asses.masses is a video game designed by place from beginning to end by a live audience. Created by Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim, it's a 7+ experience following a herd of unemployed donkeys determined to get their jobs back in a world set on leaving them behind. For more information about the artists, visit: