asses.masses (CDMX) Immersive Event

asses.masses (CDMX)

A 7+ hour video game about unemployed donkeys designed to be played by a live audience in a theatre.

Ciudad de México ,   Ciudad de México

Experience hosted by asses.masses

Logo of asses.masses

ESPAÑOL asses.masses es una experiencia de videojuego única en su género que redefine los límites del teatro en vivo. Cada noche, el público sigue el épico viaje de una manada de burros en paro que intentan recuperar su trabajo en un mundo empeñado en olvidarlos. Los valientes espectadores se turnan entre la multitud para hacerse con los medios de producción (un controlador de videojuego) y convertirse en jugadores. Depende tanto del público como de sus líderes autoelegidos terminar el juego, descubrir el espacio entre el trabajo que nos define y el juego que nos libera. INTERMISIONES: Hay CUATRO intermedios a lo largo del espectáculo, que se producen cada dos episodios. Estas representaciones son en español, con texto de Marcos Krivocapich (Argentina). Créditos Patrick Blenkarn (Canadá) - codirección, texto, programación, pixel art, animación 2D Milton Lim (Canadá) - codirección, texto, diseño sonoro, vídeo, shaders, efectos visuales 3D Laurel Green (Canadá) - dramaturgia, texto, productor itinerante David Mesiha (Canadá) - música original, diseño de sonido Clarissa Picolo (Brasil) - pixel art, animación 2D William Roth (Francia) - pixel art, animación 2D Ariadne Sage (Alemania) - entornos 3D Samuel Reinhart (EE.UU.) - programación adicional Marcos Krivocapich (Argentina) - traducción al español Creado con el apoyo de Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, The Theatre Centre, VIVO Media Arts, Embajada de Canadá en Argentina y Paraguay. Desarrollado con el apoyo financiero de Creative BC y el British Columbia Arts Council y Canada Council for the Arts. Producido en asociación con el Fondo Nacional de Creación del Centro Nacional de las Artes de Canadá. *** ENGLISH asses.masses is a one-of-a-kind video game experience redefining the boundaries of live performance. Each night audiences follow the epic journey of a herd of unemployed asses trying to get their jobs back in a world set on forgetting them. Brave spectators take turns stepping forward from the crowd to seize the means of production (a video game controller) and become the player. It is up to both the audience and their self-elected leaders to finish the game—to discover the space between the work that defines us and the play that frees us. INTERMISSIONS: There are FOUR intermissions throughout the show, occurring every two episodes. These performances are in Spanish, with text by Marcos Krivocapich (Argentina). Credits Patrick Blenkarn (Canada) — co-direction, text, programming, pixel art, 2D animation Milton Lim (Canada) — co-direction, text, sound design, video, shaders, 3D visual effects Laurel Green (Canada) — dramaturgy, text, touring producer David Mesiha (Canada) — original music, sound design Clarissa Picolo (Brazil) — pixel art, 2D animation William Roth (France) — pixel art, 2D animation Ariadne Sage (Germany) — 3D environments Samuel Reinhart (USA) — additional programming Marcos Krivocapich (Argentina) — Spanish translation Created with support from Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, The Theatre Centre, VIVO Media Arts, Embassy of Canada to Argentina and Paraguay. Developed with the funding support from Creative BC and the British Columbia Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts. Produced in association with the National Arts Centre of Canada’s National Creation Fund... Show More

Audience Role

ESPAÑOL Los miembros del público comparten la responsabilidad de completar el juego. Hay un único controlador. Depende de cada espectador si desea jugar una sección del juego y del público en su conjunto de negociar quién tiene el controlador en cualquier momento. *** ENGLISH Audience members share the responsibility of completing the game. There is one controller. It is up to each spectator if they wish to play a section of the game and up to the audience as a whole to negotiate who has the controller at any time.... Show More

Content Advisories

  • Blood/gore

  • Depictions of sex

  • Flashing lights

  • Moments of darkness

  • Police brutality

  • Simulated gun shots/violence

  • Themes around mental health

  • 13 +

Interaction Advisories

  • No physical contact with performers

Mobility Advisories

  • No mobility advisories

  • Event is wheelchair accessible.

Sexual Advisories

  • Simulated donkey intercourse


Show ticket details



Hosting immersive events on EI since August, 2023

asses.masses is a video game designed by place from beginning to end by a live audience. Created by Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim, it's a 7+ experience following a herd of unemployed donkeys determined to get their jobs back in a world set on leaving them behind. For more information about the artists, visit: asses.masses is a video game designed by place from beginning to end by a live audience. Created by Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim, it's a 7+ experience following a herd of unemployed donkeys determined to get their jobs back in a world set on leaving them behind. For more information about the artists, visit: