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Immersive Theatre in Virtual Reality

Take in a live show... in your pajamas!

by Kathryn Yu, EI Curator

Experience live, interactive performance from anywhere through the magic of virtual reality via these shows.


The MetaMovie Presents: Alien Rescue

Booking Through: Saturday, June 15 2024

You don’t watch this movie, you live it!

As you journey through this vast, cinematic VR adventure, you’ll be joined by supporting characters played by live actors. Together with fifteen other role-playing audience members, your entire cast will embark on a revolutionary shared storytelling experience. Combining immersive VR storytelling, live theater, role-playing, and video game mechanics, a MetaMovie is like nothing you have ever done before.

Winner: Best Multiplayer Experience at the 2021 Raindance Immersive Film Festival. Winner: Best VR Experience of the Year, XRMust Magazine.

Alien Rescue in VR: Experiencing Alien Rescue in VR requires a PCVR setup. All major VR headsets will work: Vive, Index, HP, and Quest (tethered or Air Link). 

Alien Rescue in Desktop Mode: We offer a desktop mode for people without VR equipment or for those who prefer a 2D option.